Hogy - Sandeel Assist Hook Jigs
Hogy - Sandeel Assist Hook Jigs
4.5oz - 5.5in / Olive
68 Shops at 5 Way
Plymouth MA 02360
United States
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Hogy - Sandeel Assist Hook Jigs:
The Offshore Rigged Sand Eel Jig is an ideal solution for targeting trophy gamefish holding in deepwater and heavy current. The fast sinking design can quickly reach deep depths and easily hold postion in heavy current. Paired with 4X VMC Tuna grade rigging, these jigs are suitable for targeting very large Bluefin Tuna and large groundfish.
- Solid Metal Core For Exceptional Casting Distance
- Durable, Through Wired Construction
- Reflective Scale Finish (Most Models)
- Flutter Fall Fast Tapered Design
- Heavy Duty Stainless Split Ring
- VMC 4X Assist Hook
- Imitative Laser Eye